Sunday, December 20, 2015

Silk 'n Flash&Go Express

Alright guys so Influenster sent this to me around mid November here I am close to the Holiday. Seeing as I can only use this product once every two weeks I haven't noticed any significant changes in hair growth other then it coming in slower and sparser.
I have used the SILK 'N 3 Times so far (six weeks) and the change I notice when I have used it is my legs look clearer afterwards. 
Those hair follicles you can see after a nice shave become a lot less noticeable making me use a lot less product on them as far as bronzer to make the even. It gives me an even finish if that makes sense. It is leaving my freshly shaved legs looking cleaner. 
The one thing that bugs me is that well you still have to shave every two weeks before hand. 
I HAVE NOT noticed any redness or swelling and have NOT noticed any senstivity. I don't have leg tattoos either. which may be a con for some of you tatted up lovelys, according to the instructions you cannot use this on them. So although that is not a con for me it may be for you.  I go over ALL of the health concerns and instructions in the first video i posted it's technically one long one but i split it into two parts.  If you have any questions at all feel free to comment and i will answer any questions you may have about this I will post a video in the future to see if this really did the trick but for now i like it and it takes about 6 minutes to do both legs. 
Just remember DO NOT go over the same spot twice apparently that is a BIG no no, and I have not risked it yet.

Hope you enjoyed my mini ramblings about the Silk 'n Flash & Go Express
will update if things change :)

thanks influenster for the voxbox. and nope not being paid for this influenster is a free service that sends products out to testers for free so check out promo code, "NOHAIR," for 10% off the Flash&Go Express
Part one with instructions and unboxing plus safety is here!

AND this is part 2 of me actually using the product

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Sally Hansen Airbrush Legs Lotion

Leg makeup? Well i'm the type of girl who likes my legs to look good, who isn't? If i took the time to shave(yes i am a lazy shaver I hardly wear anything short even in the Texan weather). Best believe I shall take the time to make my legs look their best. I received this product from influenster to product test, and although i did get light I felt as if the product was a shade to dark and a bit too orange or warm for my skin tone. It gave my legs a nice healthy looking finish, although if your looking to cover harsh bruises or scaring it wont work you'll still need a concealer if your legs are almost perfect though this might be one for you, if you just want something to amp up your leg look. I am really ghostly pale, I avoid sunlight like Edward Cullen unfortunately I do not sparkle i am the vampire that will sizzle and burn like the OG vamps.  I am allergic to the sun I can't help it i break out in rashes. However I have learned to love my paleness, that being said I DO NOT use any tanner everything i have ever tried feels orange, I like the shimmery bronzers from victoria's secret they look dark but sheer out to about a shade darker then me not to orangey and very high shine I LOVE IT. This had a satiny finish that added a look of health. The longevity of this product was great though I tried to wash it off with water and nothing and since i was leaving the house I ended up doing my other leg for times sake i did not have time to bust out my Loofa. it did not go streaky and blended in really nicely. As it wore for about an hour i started to see the orangeyness fade a little and it  started looking a bit more natural. so yes i will finish up this product preferably during nighttime
when an orangey shade will not be too noticeable but i will have to add concealy like i do with all the other shimmery bronzers.
Thanks to influenster and Sally Hansen for sending this product to me. I am not being paid for review and all opinions are my own. Anyone can sign up to become part of the Influenster family, its free and fun!

Check out the video if you want to see me stain my sandel and have one oompaloompa leg!

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Yves Saint Laurent YSL Faux Cils Mascara

 At first this mascara is incredible it left my lashes soft but full thick and lusicous. The new formula felt really great but the last time I tried the YSL was about a year ago so I cant really say forsure it could be my mind playing trickss on me. My only gripe is the price point, yes this is YSL! so the price is expected and the smell is DEVINE it smells like rose which i smile about each time i use it, (just like the benefit blushes) It just feels so luxxiourios.  After two weeks I still felt it was worth the price. At around week 3 and half rolled around the dryness of this mascara kept me from achieving the pretty look it gave me with a fresh tube. SO the fact that it only lasted about three weeks before it dried led me to the conclusion that it may not be worth it. I now have to mix mascaras to get an intense pretty look I was rocking with this mascara. I layer this over another mascara to get the black and thickness but it no longer lengthens and i'm a length girl for sure when it comes to my fave mascaras. So final verdict if your looking for volume only, this might be for you! If you want length you can layer it or just find another mascara this is a higher end mascara I believe it is $30. 30 dollars for me is expensive especially if i have to buy a new tube every three weeks. My favorite mascaras are Rimmel lash accelator(the one for lengthening it also does a beautiful job seperating and thickening)Rimmel Scandeless mascara, Rimmel Max volume flash Pink tube, Maybeline Great Lash lots of lashes, Benefit They're Real, and Covergirl lashblast volume. Those all last a about 5-6 weeks before they start drying out on me. The packaging for YSL is beautiful but unless you set aside a heavy mascara budget you can pass on this. The achieved look at first is very reminicent to L'oreal Voluminous, except very lengthening. I do not like the L'oreal because of the fact that all it gives me is volume. after week three is started to become exactly like the Voluminous so if you like that then GO FOR IT !
This product was sent to me for review by Influenster so shout out to them it's a free website to test out goodies so check them out at